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Tuesday, February 08, 2011


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Thanks for that link. There is quite the range of art on display (even in their 'selected art' section).


If I could, I would live visiting all the art expositions of the world. That one seems to be great.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]

leif hagen

Looks like a fun art museum to visit! Jack from Hartford Daily photo has an art museum posting today and I have an artist posted on my EAGAN daily photo posted today!
Warm regards from a fellow "culture vulture"


I understand nothing about modern art (besides that I am art genius, of course), so I like the gesture of the visitor on the right, same is my way to unlock the painters' message))
I love art museums and posts about them.
And thank you so much for your kindest comments.


I love love love art galleries and museums. This one looks great! Nice shot.

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