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Sunday, February 20, 2011


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Umm, I think I prefer the less flashy Popemobile (which I actually got to see on the Mount of Olives, WITH the Pope inside).

Your post is unique!

Greensboro Daily Photo

Dina, I have gone in and linked to a wiki article on the Popemobile. You are right, they are less flashy. What many people might not realize is that the Popemobile is a concept, not an exact vehicle make and model. The Popemobile is a modified vehicle and is different depending on where the Pope is appearing, whether he will stand or sit, and whether or not he needs a bulletproof shield.

Reader Wil

Psalm 8 is a tribute to the Lord our Creator. Apparently it inspires us all in some way or another. Sometimes it appeals to our feelings, sometimes it feels strange, like I feel uneasy seeing this car. Maybe it's my Dutch Calvanistic upbringing. The owner of the car is a very brave person!


It is definitely different.

(Consider joining us on Mondays for Odd Shots. This one I would consider a cross-over vehicle. Crossing over between the spiritual--somewhat in your face sprituality which is not my style--and an odd way to evangelize.)

leif hagen

I'll have to suggest something like that to our church council! I wonder what they would say?


Of great honour to see your participation ! Which reminded me of the saying, not to drive faster than your guarding angle can fly.

It would be a pleasure to see you soon again. A safe road ahead and a wonderful start into the new week for you all as well.

daily athens


Interesting! I've never seen a car with such a message before.

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