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Friday, February 04, 2011


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I can see Revolution Park sleeps on weekends. Peace and happinees revolution these days.

Regards from Barcelona


[Barcelona Daily Photo]

Magical Mystical Teacher

The sun is certainly blazing, but the park looks, oh, so forlorn!


Sky by day or sky by night,
You are always my delight,
For in blaze or subtle hue,
Sky, my heart belongs to you.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher



Ahhh... blue skies! I sort of remember them!


Revolution Park! For a second I thought you meant Liberation Square. I've been watching too much Cairo news coverage I think.

Manang Kim

Wow looks like the sun is up and hope it's warm out there. Happy weekend!
Sky Watch


By the color of the field it looks like Winter though by the color of the sky Spring is right around the corner! I love these places when they are empty. The park gains stories to tell and memories to share all through the warm days and then whispers those tales to the lone visitor on a chilly crunchy brown Winters afternoon.
Have a wonderful weekend, stay warm!


I love the sun here. The ballpark looks like many other ballparks across the country, the place for guys to be guys and get two hours away from the routine.


Oh, I need the warmth from that sun right now! Beautiful!

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