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« "Sail with the Pilot" | Main | Tate Street Winter »

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


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Jane Mitchell

Formidable! Et pour la photo et pour le commentaire.

Roger Green

seems like every town has an Elm St; Binghamton, NY, Albany, NY for two.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

leif hagen

What a grand estate! Reminds me of some of the homes on Summit Avenue in St. Paul!


Wonderful house! Stone construction isn't exactly easy either.

Bonjour Luxembourg

Looks like a Castle, magnificent!

Honest Abe Lincoln

I like the castle part but would take the decorations down if I owned it.


Nice house, nice sculpture. Both are unusual.


A most interesting house. I am a big fan of art, but I really am tempted to suggest that they store this sculpture . . .

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