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Wednesday, February 02, 2011


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Greensboro Daily Photo

At 15:15 am, Woody, the Groundhog at the Natural Science Center on Lawndale, will make his prediction about the arrival of spring. The Science Center is only a couple of miles north of Cornwallis Drive. How about, after going to the Natural Science Center, driving the entire length of Cornwallis. It is fun to observe the diversity and character along the way. A charming drive!


Interesting post for C. I'm often surprised by the historic legacy of our southern neighbors.

ABC Team


Thanks for sharing such a lovely picture and its history. Great share for C.

Jane Mitchell

I love your street-a-week theme. I am learning so much and wondering what the next will be...Davie? Dudley? Dogwood?

Larry D

Interesting post!


nice one!
Visit my ABC: Carabao...Cousins entry as well. Have followed your blog, hope you can do the same. Thanks!


here is my entry for ABC: http://demcyapdiandias.blogspot.com/2011/02/carabaocousins.html

Roger Green

i'm in your fair state; thought about you when the train reached g'boro
ROG, ABC Wednesday team


I'd love to have so many big windows!

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