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Thursday, February 24, 2011


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B Pete

This is the former headquarters of First Home Federal, a casualty of the S&L crisis.

Preston Earle

I recall that the building was built to house a regional branch of the federal agency that oversaw savings & loan banks. After that agency moved (to Atlanta, I believe), Home Federal S&L (by then First Home Federal S&L) took over the building. Google found this scrap of info about the story: http://www.ncbankers.org/uploads/File/fhlb-greensboro.pdf .

David T

Thanks for the information. We've gotten some comments along these lines at our Facebook page as well. Anyone interested can view (and Like) our page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Greensboro-Daily-Photo/217652621884?v=wall

One of our Facebook Fans, Tracy, pointed out that VF no longer owns the Vanity Fair brand. So, VF is just that-VF.

Greensboro Daily Photo

We love it when the Greensboro community comes together to help us learn more about the history of Greensboro! Thank you Tracy, Preston, B Pete and the rest of our dear readers!

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