Leafless trees in winter make beautiful, silhouetted sunset fotos. The above trees, photographed from the parking lot of the Battleground Wal-Mart, are dense with neglect. Dormant vines are patiently in place, waiting for spring when they can put out shoots and continue their invasion of the trees. The kudzu vine, which can grow up to a foot a day in the summer, competes for nutrients with trees and blocks sunlight, eventually choking the host tree to death. While the vine adds drama to a winter landscape, since it was first imported from Asia in 1876, kudzu has become quite an invasive menace. For today, however, we're gonna sit back and enjoy the view. If you are longing for summer, see some bloomin' kudzu here.
This is our contribution to Skywatch Friday where you can see a little slice of the sky above from just about every continent.
Such a pretty sky!
Posted by: Halcyon | Friday, January 21, 2011 at 09:14 AM
So beautiful and a bit scary.
Posted by: Irina | Friday, January 21, 2011 at 03:06 PM
I've always liked trees without leaves. The kudzu makes these look a bit creepy as if they might grab you if you walked through.
Posted by: Jane Mitchell | Friday, January 21, 2011 at 03:40 PM
Other-worldly. Very neat.
Posted by: barb farr | Friday, January 21, 2011 at 05:41 PM
i really like this composition, the trees look beautiful against that sky.
Posted by: Jill | Friday, January 21, 2011 at 06:27 PM