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Friday, January 14, 2011


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That checker 'curtain' motif is indeed unusual.
I googled 'Proximity' and got lost in the Proximity Hotel!! That is where I want to stay if I ever come to Greensboro.


The sky is amazing, but the building is quite interesting, with those strange checkered decorations!


When I first saw the photo, I thought immediately it was or had been a high school. Looks very much like the old high schools of my youth!

Interesting history! And it looks like a grand old building which is being put to very good use!

Thanks for your nice comments, Jan!


Being a teacher, I knew this HAD to be a school building just from the thumbnail. The architecture is wonderful and I love all the detail. In Asheville we had some special old school buildings, but here in Lexington, VA, none have the detail of this one. A special picture.


The brick and stone checkers make this a special place.


Thank you for the interesting history. Many of the small white houses in the area too were built for Cone employees. Did you know that some Greensboro residents called those who worked in the mills "lint heads"? I suppose it was used because coming out of the mills with flying cotton, there would be lint in the hair of the workers. It doesn't sound very complimentary to me.

Also, Cone was formerly Cohen.

And by the way, Lesley. The Proximity is where I would stay if I didn't live here. It is a lovely, lovely hotel and hopefully a prototype for energy-efficient hotels of the future in NC. I've been there for dinner and music on the patio. Very nice atmosphere.

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