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« Happy 2011-- Greensboro, North Carolina | Main | Resolution #1: Cleaning out Closets »

Sunday, January 02, 2011


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Congratulations on your anniversary!


Hi Jan...not sure if you'll be able to get the spire replaced. I think I heard somewhere that it "expired"!

Have a wonderful New Year! I'll look forward to seeing many more creative photos from Greensboro in 2011!


The first thought of me, the outsider: the spire was destroyed in "Back to the Future" first episode... ah, it was clock.
The word "perfectness" frightens me so strongly.
Happy Anniversary, I like to read and watch you, dear blog.

Louis la Vache

Congratulations on Year Three!

When «Louis» lived in France, he noticed that it wasn't uncommon for churches to have missing spires or steeples. The cathedral at Troyes is one. In Paris , St.Eustache (where the funeral for Mozart's mother was held) and St. Sulpice (of Da Vinci Code notoriety) are two more. «Louis» agrees with you - the parish needs to be inSPIREd to replace it!

Greensboro Daily Photo

Dear All:

We've learned that First Pres. must have taken its lesson from France (a la Louis la Vache above). A spire is not missing. What is missing is a chimney that is under repair. A spire has never been on that corner.

We've also learned that the roof is in need of some slate repair. May I encourage First Pres. to start a "click here to contribute to the roof repair" button on their website. If we are lucky, people will come from miles around to help with this repair. Buildings this beautiful don't get built everyday! They could even post the names of those who contributed!

After all, God's work needs to be on a solid foundation and to have a roof over its head.

Neil Dunnavant

It is a chimney to exhaust the boiler under the sanctuary. Neil Dunnavant, Associate Pastor

Jennifer Hudson Taylor

As a Greensboro native who is now in the Charlotte area, I'm delighted to stumble upon your blog of photos showing my hometown! Each time I come home to visit my folks, there is something new to discover.


I am really appreciating GDP for noticing little quirks about Greensboro I don't notice. Like the missing chimney-spire on 1st Presbyterian. Happy 3rd Birthday and thank you for documenting these days in our fair city.

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