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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


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"Well-done!" to you and all those good women.
The light and colors and your shadow all add to the nice building.

That's something I never thought of, how America began to educate her former slaves.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Thanks, Dina. Greensboro has a rich post-Civil War & Civil Rights history. We also have Warnersville neighborhood that was purchased by a Quaker missionary, Yardley Warner, for recently emancipated Civil-War slaves. African-americans were given tracts of land to build houses and to begin the path to independent living. The self-sufficient community, located in South Greensboro (in the Elm Street, Ashe Street, South Street area) became a model for similar settlements. Next round, we should offer "W" for Warnersville. If you don't want to wait for another alphabet round, read more through the link below, where we went to get/verify information about Warnersville:


Roger Green

Ah, such a small school. Sounds intriguing.
Nice shot.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team


This is new? What a prime example of post modernism!


"W" is also for wonderful capture. The light is great!


'W for Watkins & Women' is great. You have put a focus on the importance of the education of women!
Sara Cat
Sara Cat's ABC-Wd-rd7-W

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