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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


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This is really a nice looking front for their HQ. Lovin' the Volvo cab sitting in the middle of all the greenery.


Very nice building!! Happy V day!

V is for...

Roger Green

I have a fondness for Volvos. My girlfriend in college had one.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Never thought about Volvo ! excellent idea !


Excellent shot - the building is quite impressive, as well...

Los Angeles Volvo

That's a nice classy looking building; love the glass panels. I actually never knew Volvo also manufactured big commercial trucks, in addition to traditional cars.

Volvo trucks

This is really look nice. This is very nice place to work.

Pomona Volvo

Love the big Volvo truck in front; is it a real truck or for decoration only?

David T

The truck is real as far as we know. We'll have to keep an eye out to see if a new model is displayed each year. Thanks for the question.

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