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Wednesday, December 08, 2010


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Roger Green

Ah, I didn't know that Raleigh wasn't one of your tri-cities. My mom's in Charlotte, and those cities seem always to be mentioned w Greensboro & W-S.
A planned city - what a concept!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Greensboro Daily Photo

Roger: Raleigh is part of the Triangle: Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill. Greensboro is 80+- miles west and known as the Triad. Both "tri's"!

Your commitment to visiting and commenting on the blogs that post for ABC Wednesday makes participating in this meme a PLEASURE!


Greensboro Daily Photo

Happy to say, I drove by this morning and the "2" has been replaced. Way to go Greensboro!

David T

Thanks to our Tweeps for RTing today's post tweet. The "2" is fixed!

If you didn't understand any of that, you need to click on "follow me on Twitter" in the sidebar under TWITTER UPDATES and join the party!

Jay from The Depp Effect

Oh, things like that missing '2' annoy me, as well! A nice pic for the subject though! And on behalf of the team, thanks for taking part this week!


A missing 2 - oh, I see it's been replaced! Amazing technology. To Twitter, to twitter.


Some day when I'm NC, I've just got to visit Urban Greenboro. I tend to spend a night in the subUrban part once a year but never quite make it into town.


Very unique....no one else chose Urban Greenboro...and very interesting.

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