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« Jefferson Village: Icy Cold Weather | Main | Church of the Covenant »

Saturday, December 11, 2010


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I highly enjoy the night photos you shoot. It is nice to sea that buildings such as Fire houses can be reused for other purposes.


Hi Jan!

I love night shots and this is a beauty. Very interesting place, too. But I'd guess it's probably a good place to pick up a six-pack rather than a gallon of milk...if you're talking about college students! :-)

Re the fire: Not to worry; this was some time ago. It is also a common occurrence. Lots of fires in the Everglades...we could see them sometimes from I-75 sometimes and the authorities would on occasion shut down the highway because of the smoke. Most of the fires are started by lightning...some from arson and negligence.

Have a great weekend!

Louis la Vache

Very good adaptation of the Weekend Reflections meme!


MOre color than usual for a night photo, isn't it? Nice.


original !

Oakland Daily Photo

I like all the layers of signs, machines,and lights added onto this old brick structure.


What cool photo! I love night shots. The building and the lighting look great.


What a great shot. I love these old buildings.

Magical Mystical Teacher


The general store is the place to go
If you’ve run out of milk or bread,
But if you’re looking for quality wine,
You’d better go elsewhere instead.

The general store’s a fine place to find
Sweet cereal wrapped in a box,
But if you’re looking for good kosher food
You will not find bagels or lox.

The basics, my friend, are what you’ll find here,
The basics, not very much more;
But if it’s the basics you need in a pinch,
Come to the general store!

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher



I love this photo. I stopped here once recently. A good friend of mine just had a heartbreak and HAD to have a cigarette.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Emily: How wonderful to have picked up a local reader who KNOWS Greensboro so well and able to leave such nostalgic comments! Thank you!

Jan & Dave

UGG Outlet

One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love.

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