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Monday, December 27, 2010


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Magnifique ce paysage blanc. La lumiere sur les sapins est superbe


Quite a stunner for your parts, I think.


I completely agree with Olivier. French gives this beauty the special scent.
But all this weather's "surprises" are so scary.


Hi Jan and Dave - Hope y'all had a wonderful holiday with your family and friends...

New snow is nice, but I've been there, done that, and would prefer warm weather and palm trees. We've got the palms but the weather remains frightful in the words of the old song...cold! (We were in So. Fla Christmas day, though, and wore shorts and T-shirts.)

This is a great shot, by the way...it's the light! Wonderful warm light.

I checked the number of CDP blogs just a day or two ago and it was something like 1341 or thereabouts.

Thanks for the tip on Jan. 1...I had not read that...don't have a clue as to what to post.

Have a very Happy New Year!

barb farr

Beautiful shot.


Your blog starts with March 2010. Where/how can we see the rest?


Never mind.

Jane Mitchell

Since I have offered suggestions for GDP previously, I will only add that the variety of the blog is one of its nicest attributes. Another is all the information provided in the write-up. There is something to appeal to everyone. Thank you for your years of "sweetness and light."


I really love this photo. Thank you for posting it.


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