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Tuesday, December 07, 2010


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You're right, only two more nights of Chanuka (and I still haven't made potato latkes!)

To see different kinds of chanukiot in Jerusalem you can visit http://realjerusalemstreets.wordpress.com/2010/12/06/fire-and-flames/


Very beautiful. They also put one up at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. I hope it will still be there by the time I get there. I'd really like to see it.

barb farr

When I read that it was made from copper, my first thought was that someone might try to steal it. I hope not. Pretty cool.

Greensboro Daily Photo

To use the new word we learned from Dina at Jerusalem Hills Daily Photo, to see more 'chanukiot,' visit here:


and here:


The latter shows a menorah within view of the Kremlin.

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