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« AMF All-Star Lanes | Main | Happy Thanksgiving 2010 »

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


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leif hagen

Hey! That's not fair - you have an outdoor ice skating rink before Eagan!? We're Minnesota! Ha!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Jane Mitchell

What a happy picture--a Norman Rockwell scene if ever I saw one.

Roger Green

Wouldn't have pegged Greensboro as the new Rock Center! My wife would approve; I don't skate.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Misfit in paradise

I grew up in the north where we skated all winter. Now I live in a state where the ponds never freeze. Sometimes I miss it.
Thanks for sharing.
Donna - ABC Wednesday


A real treat for the kids.


So peaceful and right picture.

Helen McCauslin

Ice skating in NC! Wow!
My ankles can't handle it any more but as a kid it was a favorite treat. Even though I broke my arm once while ice skating -- maybe my ankles have never really been up to it!
Thanks for a great S-day contribution.
Helen Mac, ABC team

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