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Wednesday, November 03, 2010


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Greensboro Daily Photo

Well, I just deleted the 25 Air Jordan and Coach Bag Spam messages on our blog. It had been so long since the WAVE had hit! Has anyone else noticed how much closer to sounding like REAL comments the computer generated SPAM messages are getting? Wow!


So many young people don't understand the sacrifices that were made.


George Preddy accomplished quite a bit in such a short time. Interesting post & a nice tribute to Mr Preddy.

Sylvia Kirkwood

What a terrific and inspiring post for the P Day! Lt. Preddy did indeed accomplish a lot in such a short lifetime. We all owe so much to him and people like him. Hope you're enjoying a great week!

ABC Team

jabblog uk

It's sad to lose one son or brother, but to lose two is dreadful, though sadly not all that uncommon. It's good to see this tribute.

Roger Green

Oh dear. Lost in friendly fire. Funny phrase, that.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Oh, how sad - nice tribute, though.

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