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Friday, November 05, 2010


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This is truly an amazing photo, I love it :) All the best from Anette in Norway :)

David T

From the State Parks website, "Many facilities in the park were constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) between 1935 and 1942." At the risk of "going political", I believe this and the Blue Ridge Parkway are great examples of good and lasting value from government stimulus spending.


Sounds like a great place to visit.


Very nice views you have there. A perfect blue sky day. Those people are awfully close to the cliff down there. I would prefer to stand back a little bit.


Looks so inviting.

Manang Kim

OMG this is so pretty but I don't think if I will do what they do hehehehe! My skies


Beautiful top of the world view! Reminds me of some of the spots I have been along the Blue Ridge Parkway.


Nice vew, nice light.

Preston Earle

Something looks funky about this photo. Some of the shadows look way too blue. Did you do anything odd in the exposure or processing?

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