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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


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Great shot and very interesting history!

EG Wow

It looks a lot warmer there than it is here!


Interesting! The brick buildings looks great against the pale blue sky. Enjoy the day.


I got taken to the cleaners once, but I don't think the name was Fordham. And I know a whole bunch of folks that got their clock cleaned by someone named Maddox.

Oh, wait, this is a clothes cleaning establishment! Golly. :-)

Well, we do have springs in Florida...lots and lots of them...and most stay at 72 degrees year round. The one at Silver Springs Park is a biggie, spewing out about 556 million gallons of fresh water every 24 hours...this water flows into the Silver River, then into the Ocklawaha, then into the St. Johns and from there into the Atlantic Ocean.

When it comes out of the spring at Silver Springs it is 99.4% pure!

Hope you're having a great week!


looks like a quaint institution in your community already. have a good week!


Love the old style font on the sign. The building however does not look very much like a cleaners - maybe I expect to see a narrow shop with full windows in the front.


This was considered the best dry cleaner in town. My mother always took her clothing there including her wedding dress. I remember they stuffed the dress with crisp blue paper and I was so impressed with the attn. to detail.

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