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Monday, November 22, 2010


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An interesting piece of art.


My initial impression is that it spoils the view of the trees but ...


I like this a lot. Funky. At first I thought it was just an interesting entrance piece, but then I could see the shirt clearly. I think the committee did a good job in its selection.


Very cool and unique.


I didn't notice the men's shirt until you said something. But I see it clearly now. A neat piece of art. I like it!


Now that's different, but it's cool.


I don't understand all the comments of praise. I think it's tacky, not just because it's a shirt, a great big shirt, but because it's not an entrance to a garden. There's like two park benches and several bushes at best, and it's in front of a corporate office. Hopefully more public art pieces will come about - they usually do a better job of complimenting our fair city.

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