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Friday, November 12, 2010


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Beautiful lighting and lovely blue sky highlight this romantic setting for a home! Delightful!

Jane Mitchell

What a gorgeous house! And how many times I have passed by without even noticing it! You do have a real photographer's eye for capturing and bringing to our attention the special places in our fair city.

Preston Earle

I believe this house is new to this location. I think It was moved a couple of years ago from another (nearby) site on the Friends Home campus.


We have blue sky like yours out here this week ! Old houses must be popular this week too,that was my subject yesterday.
I really like the dark paint with the crisp White trim on this beauty.
Enjoy the Autumn air!

Ashley @ Ramblings and Photos

What a beautiful home - and the sky is beautiful. You commented on my picture and yes...definitely in NC!

Manang Kim

Love this house!! Very beautiful!
Looking at the sky


Fantastic colors!

barb farr

Beautiful home. I could live there.

t. becque

What a beautiful place. The colors are so vivid.


wow! Beautiful!


Wow :)
non sò dire se mi piace di più l'immagine che questa foto rappresenta o se la casa !
Entrambi sono in ogni caso fantastiche.
Magari poter vivere in un posto come questo !!!!
Buona domenica :)


Over Thanksgiving, I shared your photos with my father. He was delighted! He is a resident of Friends Homes who grew up in the Guilford College community. This lovely home was originally built to house the Guilford College's president Randall Hobbs and presently houses the CEO of Friends Homes. The home was occupied at one time by Claudius Daughtery, a Greensboro businessman who owned a builder supply business on Bessemer. Walter Coble also occupied the home. He was the superintendent of buildings and grounds at Guilford College and a former dairy farmer. Because of the home's size, Mr. Coble took in boarders, some of them students. (My uncle Fred Burton lived in the home when he was a student at Guilford.) The house, originally facing Guilford College Rd. was moved in the early 90's so that Hobb's Hall of Friend's Homes could be built. Two of the best home moving companies in the area, one from Greensboro and one from Winston-Salem were given the task of moving the home. At one point the house separated - and it sat there for a long time until the movers could figure out how to fix the problem.

Lovely photo!!

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