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Monday, October 11, 2010


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ann chin

You are renovating your house with a spa pool? LOL

It is almost Tuesday here, and the weather has turned to winter, with snow in some parts. First day back to school, and I feel like sleeping, sorry for the students,

Bill B

He must be a fine man.


We know all about Dawgs in Mississippi! :)

Re: the spammers. I haven't gotten any for awhile. But they are so annoying! Some of them try to disguise their posts as comments. But if you do a little checking, you find that they are simply spammers.

Hope you can get rid of yours without too much trouble!

Manang Kim

That is a cute business name. Happy weekdays!
Indian Corn
Favorite Snack


We are here in elsewhere have learned new Southern American English word today))

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