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Friday, October 22, 2010


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The entire state of Mississippi is on a burn ban until we get some substatial rain. We like to burn our leaves in a fire pit or chiminera. But won't be doing it this year.


I love that photo, it's like a ritual for Nature. Great contrast of cold and hot colours.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]


I love the fire against the deep blue sky!!

Manang Kim

I like the blue sky and the golden flame in one. Great shot!
This week skies


Beautiful SkyWatch posting!
thank you for sharing this beautiful photo work

Happy SWF! Have a good weekend,

Regards, Bram

My SkyWatch on WordPress

Seen on Sky Watch Friday, Season 4, Episode 14


Your photo makes me want to be there, next to the fire.

Really? Your city does all that?


Reminds me of being at my parent's farm in SeMo - Fantastic blue

Maria Zélia

Parece a cerimônia do fogo, que usada de forma consciente queima o velho para atrair o novo... A foto se torna incrível pelo contraste de cores!

ann chin

I watch on TV that New York homeless also light fires like this.

Isn't it too early to have fires?

Greensboro Daily Photo

Using google translate, we think Maria is saying in Portuguese, "it seems like a fire ceremony, consciously burning the old to attract the new. The photo is an incredible contrast of colors."

How wonderful to have google translate at our fingertips to help chip away at the Tower of Babel!


I bet that smells wonderful!
We have a lot of rules and restrictions here ,which are in place for a very good reason to prevent brush fires.
When we BBQ in the yard DH likes to use different woods to flavor the meat . I love the scent of the woodfire!


Whooaa! Stop! Can't do THAT here in Kalifornia! The Air Quality Control District would call in air tankers for water drops to quench that fire!
Its a great SWF photo though! We certainly don't have that kind of freedom where I live....

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