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Saturday, October 09, 2010


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What's up?

Nice find.

EG Wow

Neat phot. And it really is best to protect the "innocent." :)

Moe Lauher

It would be interesting to see what you could do by conveeting this to monochrome - sort of dark and sinister. I always enjoy your postings, in fact it's easier now that I can follow you on FB


It's a Saturday! What do you expect! hahahaha

Jane Mitchell

At least she's wearing shoes!


Too funny!!! No shoes would have carried it to the next level.
You have a good eye for the unlikely. MB


I love this!!! A great photograph! It could be the basis for a country song, a short story, an essay on legs, an essay on smoking, a novel...so many possibilities!

Thanks much for your nice comment on Florida Fotos!

pagan sphinx

Man, how DO you do it? Another great capture which leaves so much to the imagination. And the shoes are classic and perfect. Everything works here. Nicely done!



Okay, I originally thought that this was staged, but believe the story now! So classic of another era. I probably would have kicked off my shoes and would not have been smoking.

Oh, and great reflection with this super photo!

Greensboro Daily Photo

I can assure you that it was not staged!!! I wish I'd have talked to the young woman but didn't. I got in the car, left the parking lot, and then returned unable to resist the photo. When a little voice in my head says, "that's a great scene," I just cannot get it out of my head. I almost didn't post this because it could have been anywhere-- no significant connection to Greensboro. However, once is a while it is fun to add an artsy, fun shot.

Thanks everybody for the comments. A few comments go a long way to motivating us to continue this effort!


Excellent picture. Such fun finding that people all over are happy to simply be themselves, with no concern about what others may think of it.


And it appears to have been drizzling rain too! Look at the droplets on the SUV! My guess is that the rain was a bit of a refreshment, and she was enjoying the respite from all the heat. This does describe Greensboro's weather the past few months in some weird way.

Although, I've never understood why people would choose to smoke in the heat.


A very engaging photo - makes me start thinking of all the possible stories here. She's lucky the reflection didn't show more than she intended!


This could be a classic!


That must be shot of the month! The right way to show a relaxed and laid-back attitude while driving. If it is possible to drive with such heels :-)


Quite an original one ; thanks for the sharing !

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