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Monday, October 25, 2010


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OK for the 'O', the yellow is a bitstretched... but it's there!

Bill B

Very deserving of recognition.

Jane Mitchell

Isn't that the Energizer Bunny you're talking about?

Manang Kim

Thanks for the post very interesting. And the yellow building makes people smile with that. Happy Monday!
MYM-More flowers


You got it, The "O" and yellow are there. Good story of how to help to the rest of the people.



[Barcelona Daily Photo]


wow! it's so inspiring to hear of stories like this. Ms. Orrell sounds like a true hero in her community.


This lady sounds like an amazing person, well-deserving of a little blogging kudos!


Nice story and great post. Happy MYM!

mapeh homepage

What an inspiring story. Nice photograph!

Greensboro Daily Photo

Thank you, Jane, for catching that mistake. YES!!! We meant Energizer bunny!

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