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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


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Neat! There was a restaurant in my college town called Tellers. It was in an old bank and they still had the counters for the bar and the old vault room was where the restrooms were. It was a neat place.


Very interesting! Love history of any kind. Hope you have a wonderful week. :D


Well, that's clever... I never thought of NIGHT Deposit. Good choice for ABC letter "N".

Roger Green

Well, we are a talkative group! The history of banks, of how we used to trust our banks and our local bankers, who we knew personally, and your night deposit, which today would require armed guards, is an interesting story of our evolution.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


I've been so busy this week, I'm just getting around to visiting. Decided to visit from the bottom up since I know these get left behind.

I love these old signs of times gone by. My post is also about NC ~ I'm heading your way! So excited, I'm busting a gut.


Don't think there are still night-deposit-boxes like these still in use but you can deposit cash & cheques via some ATMs these days.

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