The Metropolitan United Methodist Church is located in East Greensboro on at 1701 East Market Street. It is very close to the campus at NCA&T University, just west of Lorillard, Inc. We wish they had their own website so we could share more information with you about the congregation, its history, beliefs and leadership. We do know that in May, they held a community event called, "Fry Dem Fish." Perhaps this is an annual event and we can stop by next time to learn more about the church. Being situated almost on the campus of NCA&T University, we're betting they have a large population of students attending services.
In the absence of easy information, we have to focus on that which meets the eye. From the exterior, we were struck by the modern architectural roofline, the triangle, the trinity! The church doesn't have a marquee-- with changing messages-- outside. They do have a brick sign with a bell in it. This is our feature for Sacred Sunday. How will you spend your day? If you are out for a Sunday drive, we encourage you to drive past MUMC. Come on, find it for fun! Have suggestion for something "spiritual" to photograph in Greensboro, let us know. In the meantime, does your place of worship have a website? Does it have an archives? A history posted? You know how much we love history! If you are interested in church architecture over the centuries, *here* is a good link.
The tree makes it somehow a hopeful sight.
Please have a good start into the new week.
Posted by: robert | Sunday, October 17, 2010 at 06:40 PM
It's a very nice photo, Jan. And the architecture is interesting...sort of a 60s look.
This morning was gorgeous here - about 55 degrees, sunny with blue skies. I played golf. Not well, but we had fun!
Posted by: Jacob | Sunday, October 17, 2010 at 07:26 PM