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Monday, September 27, 2010


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Bill B

Looks like a beautiful day to have a festival.

Jane Mitchell

That's the old music building on the hill in the background where, in the 60's, some of our local hippies used to congregate. Whatever decade "the Corner" has always been vibrant and alive.

Manang Kim

That's a great shot!
Wall of fruits


Lots of festival going on this time of year. Great capture for MYM!


Tate St. is an important street to me. Love Tate St. Coffee and Matt Russ, owner. Eileen at Leon's on Tate cuts my hair.

And then there is Grant at The Corner. He is a jolly guy who delights in his store's offerings. The Corner Store has always sold nice pens, cards, funky junk, Mattise posters and anything any college student or Summer Music Camp Camper could want. I bought a venus flytrap there for my boyfriend in about 1982. I bought George Bush / Dick Cheney "National Embarrassmints" mints there before a trip abroad. My son bought see through playing cards, a whistling pickle and an Alfred Einstein action figure there. My daughter bought a funny mask that is merely a smile.
When I got my hair cut on Saturday, I noticed The Corner had a huge 50% off sign. Hope it doesn't mean the shop is closing. :(
It can never close!


a good online store
high quality, reasonable price
worth to have a look

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