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Saturday, September 11, 2010


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What an original idea those red lights... The picture looks even greener ! Thanks for this inspiring sharing, and have a nice week-end...

leif hagen

Looks like an elegant, lovely, scrumptious, artsy place! Wish I could stop in for coffee and treats!


The paintings remind of Van Gogh but the decor of the chairs seems to clash with it - re your comment at Hyde DP - not sure about a "signature" spot but there are several places I return to from time to time.


This looks very elegant...and big!


Support for local artists goes a long way to creating a community feel. We have a lot of that here. Looks inviting.

Lori Key

Wow11111111.....what a surprise to see my artwork!!! thanks for the time and effort to showcase Southern Lights and this hugh piece created for that amazing space!!! Lori Key

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