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Thursday, September 09, 2010


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Gunn White

Quite unique, and I also like the light in your photograph!:)


Love the colours in this!

barbara farr

I cannot speak to the origin of the horn, but the red coloration draws the eye in.

Your backstory, as always, was interesting as well. Wishing you and your family a day joyous day of rest and meditation.



It looks like a shofar to me! Have you tried blowing it? Any sound? It is hard to do.
This is a lovely post. Shana tova, a good year, to all.

My daughter and granddaughter are here in the country for a short visit and I am way behind on blogging. Shalom to you.


Shalom! Thanks for the reminder that the Holy Days do indeed begin today. I like this shofar!

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