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« Tate Street Festival | Main | K- Kudos for Matty Sheets and the Blockheads »

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


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Magical Mystical Teacher

A little nonsense for you on this fine Ruby Tuesday--enjoy!

Cockroaches and spiders,
Creatures foul and fair
At the science center,
Waiting for you there!

Come and see the ferrets,
Hold a rock or two
At the science center—
Better than a zoo!

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Bill B

It's certainly better than "unnatural" science.


What an interesting place to visit...Great shot, lots of color.


Love those bright colors. I bet the kids go crazy here!

Heather DeDona, Realtor/Broker

I love taking my son to the Natural Science Center! I love all of the changes they have made and all of the great new things they have in store. We are so fortunate to have such an excellent facility right here!

Manang Kim

Love the colors all around!
Pop corn


Wonderful colors and great looking place to spend some time with the kids. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

pagan sphinx

What a wonderful educational resource for the Greensboro community. If our national priorities were a bit straighter, a visit to a place like this might be free for all.


Really is colorful. Looks like the kids are truly absorbed and engaged by the exhibits.

Coach outlet

The Natural Science center so great! What a wonderful educational resource for the Greensboro community.


a good online store
high quality, reasonable price
worth to have a look

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