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Sunday, September 12, 2010


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leif hagen

What a colorful, clever idea! I might pass it along to the people in our church!


I really enjoy when your photographs are not only artsy, but when they also capture some of the flavor of Greensboro.

Jane Mitchell

Moi aussi, Roch.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Leif: I'm sure Centenary UMC would be flattered if your church added mission fishes to the lawn. After all, you have the same goal at heart.

Roch and Jane: Thanks for the feedback.

Often, at GDP, we do the artsy (like the kudzu or watermelon eating cat shot) when we are short on time and need to rely on something in the backyard to post. Also, by training, we're not journalists (or photographers). But, we're trying!!! Please keep the feedback coming and we'll store a little voice in the back of our head asking, "What would Jane and Roch like?" "Does this capture the flavor of Greensboro?" LOVE that expression!

Have a great Sunday all.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Wait a minute........ Roch, Jane.......... do you like today's post?

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