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Wednesday, September 15, 2010


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She looks a very kindly soul!


I like her!

jabblog uk

Communities would fall apart without hard-working dedicated people like Mrs Ivey.


What a cheerful face this lovely lady has! I would buy anything from her!

ABC Team!


lovely, lovely woman.. look at her face it's full of stories to tell, those silvers hairs and face plaids are so rich of history that you just have to sit down with her and listen.. missed my grandma... hugs to Mrs. Ivey..

Julie Jordan Scott

Awwww. Mrs. Ivey is a doll! So glad to have "met" her.

Here is my ABC Wednesday post. The subject took me by surprise... lol


Roger Green

lovely lady.

my wife did 4H, so yes, i did know.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


If you see her again, please say "Hi" from Moscow to this lovely busy babushka!


What a nice tribute to such a lovely lady. We need more Mrs. Iveys in this world.


Hurray for all the volunteers in the world, and Mrs Ivey.

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