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Monday, August 02, 2010


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Bonjour Luxembourg

I need to confess that I hate to drive but I'm so curious about this Vintage car, it's wonderful and I think I've changed my mind, I would love to try it! :)
Have a nice week


Love the body! Not so sure about the colour, though. (doesn't look very 50s, to me)


I love the yellow. I had a 1949 Chevy, it was gray so I called 'The Gray Goose'. I had good times with that old car.

Jane Mitchell

I agree with Violetsky--I believe it may have been re-painted that vivid yellow. It doesn't look like a factory color to me.

Manang Kim

Lovely shiny yellow car. Love it!

Blueberry Lane


I like this one. Forgive my ignorance abut cars, but it isn't that the color of cabs?


I give up! You've got me beat, hands down. I couldn't show all of the crazy car in my picture, but there are Islamic slogans all over the rest of it. Absolutely nuts. It's parked outside some "holistic" healing center and it's driven to and from work. I'm afraid some of out Tea Pot wackos are gonna blow it up one day.

Anyway, my first car was a 1937 Chevy. I paid $150 for it from the proverbial "little old lady who only drove it on Sundays." By the time we got married, I had traded that for a 1950 Plymouth coupe. Traded that for a new (demo) 1957 Ford Fairlane. The Ford was a real lemon, so we traded that for....yahoo: a 1955 Chevy Bel Air, two-tone aqua and white. A lovely car. Same year as your yellow babe in this post.


Oh yes, the aqua and white one is my fave!
(Kinda like the one in my post)
This one looks nicely restored, though.


A fantastic looking Chevy! Beautifully preserved!

barbara farr

Great car. I shot one about year ago, a lighter shade of yellow tho, here: http://bfarr-theblueglass.blogspot.com/2009/07/chevy-belair.html


Louis la Vache

It is a 1955 Chevrolet "210" series. The "110" was the least expensive, the "210" the mid-level and the "Bel-Air" was the top of the line. That is not a factory color, but Chevy did offer a less-loud yellow in 1955.

Here's a car restorer's idea of what a "modern" Packard might look like, and here's the real McCoy.

Louis la Vache

It looks like the links didn't post. Let's try again:
"Modern" Packard: http://bayphoto.blogspot.com/2010/07/quest-ce-que-cest.html

The real McCoy: http://bayphoto.blogspot.com/2010/07/packard-twelve.html


I just love those cars....great foto!!!!

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