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« Sun Setting on Summer | Main | Ready to Serve »

Monday, August 23, 2010


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Bill B

It wouldn't be summer in the south without Sun Tea.


Cute pitcher. And, a perfect scene to sit a spell and enjoy a tall glass of tea.


Wow! great shot! I love this ...okay for scenic view also..hehehe


Amazing colors are in this photo! And amazing garden view.

pagan sphinx

Good choice to go with glass. And it makes for a lovely still life! I don't drink much tea. I have iced tea once or twice in the summer and hot herb tea once a few times a week in the winter. I like it with honey when I'm sick.

Liked this post a lot. :-)


Sun tea? Hmmmm... I've never tasted anthing like this before. Maybe I'll try it! ... Great choice for MYM!

Btw, I'm Christian and I just followed you...Can you add me please?

You can view my entry here: http://superyan23.blogspot.com/2010/08/mym-jollibee.html#comments


A very pretty pitcher for your suntea. Great photo and Happy MYM

barbara farr

You've got some nice color in that tea and the hydrangeas add to the 'southern feel'. Stay cool.

Carmen Henesy

Here on the northern CA coast, just south of San Francisco, we have a good deal of fog and summer temperatures haven't gotten over 70 - with nightime temperatures down to 60. There's no brewing sun tea for us!! I'm a GA girl, originally, went to nursing school over 40 years ago in New Orleans...but I've loved every minute of my 33+ years here!

At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

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