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« Take Me Home......Country Roads | Main | Sun Setting on Summer »

Saturday, August 21, 2010


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What an idea for a business! Makes for a great photo, complete with your reflection.


Just when you think all possible business ventures have been thought of... then this.

Beau Jackson

Replacements Ltd. is a terrific place, I've been there several times and recently bought a beautiful 8 place setting of International Lenox China, plus a great 85 piece set of flatware. I strongly reccommend Replacements Ltd. if but only to browse the showroom. Beau


That red plate was an instant hit with me. A spot of red always helps :-)

Greensboro Daily Photo


Yes, that red plate is sort of front row and center, in a class of its own, a show stopper, hogging the spotlight! As you said "a spot of red always helps." My mother always said, "a little red goes a long way..." Since you are from Norway, I will say that I've always felt that the Scandinavians know how to use red, especially in winter!


That's a great photo. I'm awed at the thought of cataloging 300,000 patterns and matching requests.

barbara farr

Well, it sure looks as if they have a mighty fine selection. I agee, that red definitely pops. It is also the hardest glaze to fire and get right.

Supra Shoes

Of course, many of you know that this story doesn't have a happy ending

birkenstock online shop

So fun article is! I agree the idea!

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