Here is a photo of our 12 year old cat chomping away at composted watermelon. He ate watermelon for over ten minutes. Although he is healthy, the watermelon must have had some nutrient his body needed. What do you think it was? After an hour or so in the sun, the watermelon had the texture of innards. Maybe he liked that!
We have two cats and their food preferences are completely different. The one who wasn't interested in eating watermelon is overweight and not as healthy as this cat. What quirks do your pets have? For our language buffs, English could use a little morphology here-- to help us in determining what is eating what! What if it were bacteria eating cat? Would the bacteria be eating the cat or the cat eating the bacteria?
We're sharing this one with the Ruby Tuesday gang that adores everything RED! Also, thank you to Moscow Daily Photo for reminding me that it is nice to comment on the commenters comments once in a while. Finally, Barbara Farr of Phoenix City (Alabama) Daily Photo posted about a Fresh Market that opened in her area. As you know, Fresh Market is a Greensboro Company!! So much to be thankful in this blogging world.