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Monday, August 30, 2010


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The epitome of "renew, reuse, RECYCLE!"

Bill B

There is a lot of money in trash.


Those hydraulic hoses are a thing of beauty! A sight to behold against the pale blue backdrop.

barbara farr

We have a local wrecking company that recycles most of what they demolish. I've been to their yard and you can buy old doors and wood planks, glass blocks, windows, vintage porcelain (tubs, commodes, sinks) just to name a few.

BTW, Fresh Market is actually in Columbus but the communities are closely linked.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Kate: That is an important movement!
Bill: Your comment can be taken more than one way!
PFKNC: If you like hydraulic hoses, I suggest you contact Pirtek
Barbara: We have a great architectural salvage program in Greensboro!

Thanks to all for participating!

Magical Mystical Teacher

A machine like that can do some serious damage. Oh, yeah--it's a WRECKING company!

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