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Monday, August 16, 2010


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first time I've seen a kudzu. Thanks for sharing. :)

Happy MYM!

Liz @ MLC


I've never heard of kudzu before. Sounds like it has a lot of uses.


Sounds like a pest! We have our fair share of that sort of weed here in Oz, Paterson's Curse being one of them. It tends to have no redeeming features, though.

ann chin, New Zealand

what a pity, people should be educated to use it. I recognised from the name that it must have come from somewhere

Stephanie V

I never knew kudzu had any good uses...just heard it was an invasive introduced weed. The uses probably don't overcome it's nuisance factor, although the flowers are pretty enough.


I've been looking for these blooms and haven't found them yet. I think they may have bloomed already.

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