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Sunday, August 01, 2010


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Such beautiful light coming from those windows! This is a great choice for the theme and for Sacred Sunday!


Wonderfully bright colours.


I wondered what this was from the small icon. Beauty!

Louis la Vache

Excellent choice for the CDP Theme Day meme.

«Louis» thanks you for your visit and comment at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.


Such lovely colors. Great choice for the theme day.

Bill B

There is nothing more colorful than stained glass. Nice!


Great windows and colors and mood. Even the light on the seats and ceiling is nice.
After enlarging the photo, I can Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Succot themes; but the left hand one is a mystery.


Beautiful color and reflection. Nice capture!


Wow! What great post for Theme Day. Thanks for stopping by to me mine at
Thanks for stopping by Portland Oregon Daily Photo.

Sharon (Phoenix Daily Photo)

These are such gorgeous windows. Good choice for today's theme.


This is great! I'm surprised there wasn't more stained glass today!

Wendy L

@Dina - the last one is Simchat Torah - which is the holiday celebrating the end and beginning of the daily Torah Readings. The whole set of the 10 windows starts with Shabbat and chronilogically goes through the holidays, ending with marriage and family. I hope y'all will post the other five some time in the future.

barbara farr

Very nice submissions for theme day.


What an amazing picture. Surely able to take breath away. Please have a good start into the new month.


How beautiful. Wonderful art and stunning colours. A lovely synagogue.

Bonjour Luxembourg

I'm always enchanted by stained glass.These are awesome, thanks for sharing!


@Wendy, thanks. So it is a Torah in the left window, OK.


Now we know who the sesnilbe one is here. Great post!

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