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Thursday, July 22, 2010


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Bill B

Save me a seat.


Ooh, fun! Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory has always been one of my favorite stories, both in its book and movie forms. I hope it gets staged locally one of these days.

Looks like I won't be able to watch much theater this year. Hubby dear had to give up being a member of the panel of judges for theater arts because he accepted being editor of an online literary magazine (on top of his teaching and writing). Oh well. Of course, we'll still watch the ones we're really interested in.

EG Wow

Oh how I wish I could be there! I loved the book! :)

barbara farr

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was one of the first books I remember really enjoying when I was in grade school. I enjoyed both of the movie adaptations as well.

I'm sure this production will be terrific.


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