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Friday, July 09, 2010


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J Bar

An interesting perspective.

Jane Mitchell

Now that is truly a Carolina blue sky!


I like the Greene and the blue together. :)

Re my flowers: I did post some pics last week of the morning glories my MiL gave me. I need to replant them from the pot into my yard. But it's been so HOT!

Still waiting for the other flowers to bloom.


From one Janis to another...love that beautiful bright blue sky! Thanks for the history lesson too!

Tracey of These Nine Acres

A handsome statue for sure. I enjoyed reading about the background info too! We are sweltering and DRY here in MD too. I feel your pain!

Pearl Maple

Great post for Sky Watching
Happy Independence Day


Good tale of a patriot for 4th of July week!
That clear blue sky looks pretty and a little hot too.
Have a great week,see you here and around twitter!


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