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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


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Bill B

Looks like a wet day to fly.


The day may be misserable but travel always anticipates a hopeful escape to a better climate don't you think? When we return however even if it is raining it always feels good to be home!

Thanks so much for contributing - a great kick off for ABC Wednesday Round 7!


And are you an aviator?


good choice for the day

Roger Green

Feeling soggy already; going to rain here soon.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Cheryl Duford

I used to fly on Piedmont way back in time. This school sounds dynamic. Wonderful post.


It has lovely style - a wonderful place to learn about freeing one's feet from the ground!


Your winter looks as dreary as ours.


Your winters looks as dreary as ours.


If I were a few decades younger I would go there to learn that stuff.
And there is a whole aeronautical university??

My daughter started as an aviation major at San Jose State but switched to engineering. She learned to fly!

You are lucky to have such a training place right in town.

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