In Greensboro, we are in the middle of the season of Eastern Music Festival. Yesterday's EMF concert was held on the Guilford College campus in conjunction with MUSEP. Thanks to the sponsors of MUSEP (Music for a Sunday Evening in the Park), the EMF concert was free and open to the public. This is a win win situation. As seen in the photo above, the Sunday evening concert series brings out an ocean of people to enjoy music and the EMF musicians have an opportunity to perform in front of a large, enthusiastic audience. The EMF is a 5-week professional concert series that gives musicians between the age of 14-22 an opportunity to train and perform throughout the summer.
If you haven't seen an EMF performance yet, you've got until July 31. The EMF was founded in 1961 and can now boast its own Wikipedia entry, which helps put it, and GREENSBORO on the map! Please consider supporting this very important program by attending performances and/or making a financial contribution. It will be time and money well spent!
Money well spent indeed.
Posted by: Bill B | Monday, July 12, 2010 at 06:48 AM
I bet this was a great evening. What a treat!
Posted by: Halcyon | Monday, July 12, 2010 at 11:17 AM
Would love to enjoy something like that in our part of the world :)
Posted by: Debbie Smith | Monday, July 12, 2010 at 11:35 PM