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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


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Bill B

You're covering all the bases.


Great shot...like the angle.


I think the lens hood adds something to the photo. Nice shot!


That looks like a pleasant place to get out on the water and I love the perspective of the shot. Happy Wednesday.

Roger Green

Beautiful blue sky too.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Sylvia Kirkwood

Looks like great fun to me! Terrific photo for the day! Love the water and blue skies! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!

ABC Team

hip chick

Oh it looks so fresh and cool and summery.


A grand time on the water. I've become very cynical, though, and probably would disbelieve the notion that selenium is no longer a problem.

And yes, a photo can look humid. Or hominid. Or horrid. Or livid. Or lurid. Or...oh, heck you get the idea. But humid for sure...this is humid country. It's only 97 now, but the air is quite heavy.

Did you read that March of this year was the hottest March on record since records have been kept - sometime in the late 1880s.

The first part of the year also broke records. Methinks we're gonna see some changes ahead. Prob'ly won't like 'em.


Looks like a blast - happy summer!

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