Here we see the postal carrier delivering mail to String Studios at 604 South Elam Avenue. Our Greensboro postal carriers work especially hard when temperatures are extreme. Lately the weather has been relentlessly hot and sunny-- high 90's.
If we were sending mail to String Studios, we would write a letter to Scott Manring, one of the instructors, to tell him how much we enjoyed his playing and singing in Providence Gap, a locally written and produced play. Scott, not one to grab the spotlight, seems almost elusive at times; however, he is a mighty fine musician and instructor with a mighty fine string studio. So..... Scott Manring, you've got (fan) does this postal carrier.
Our mailman always takes a long break in his mail truck in our office parking lot after delivering our mail.
Posted by: leif hagen | Monday, June 28, 2010 at 08:04 AM