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« 2010 Solstice Event at Weatherspoon Museum | Main | Third Friday @ Center City Park »

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


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That's one "W" I hadn't thought of!! Good choice!


Great shot and post!! love that wig :)

Rinkly Rimes

He would be very proud! But shouldn't you have several shots of this young man, all in different colours?

Bill B

He looks better than Warhol ever did.

Roger Green

there's a Bowie song, And Warhol. running thru my mind right now...

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, THANK YOU!

leif hagen

Funny and artsy! Rock on!

Jane Mitchell

How about "wingding?" It was a lively event indeed!

barbara farr

Very interesting and a great shot. Is Warhol a southern boy?

I couldn't resist the big red bug. Glad it gave you a laugh.


brenda w

Ah, you have created within me lust, for a Warhol wig. LOL


Hi Jan. Cool post. Funky guy. Looks like everyone was having a good time.


Wahrol is of course an excellent choice for the letter W. I discovered a lot of things he did at Le grand Palais in Paris last year.


Oh, good choice! This looks like so much fun!


Very fine post for "W", great shot!


Like this picture. I don´t know why, but it makes me funny.

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