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« American Red Cross | Main | Love is All Around »

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


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Bill B

I'm glad this didn't happen in Louisiana.

Roger Green

YIKES! Must have been something to see. Glad to see the blast appears to have been contained.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Awesome picture. The firefighters were great keeping it contained. Have a great day!

Sherrie's Stuff


Is there any place where nothing like that happen? Our little boiling planet.


XXXcellent!! Lucky to be contained to one tank. Prayers answered. MB


Oops! Amazing the firefighters were able to contain it! I can imagine the sound as lightning hit the thing. Florida, they say, is the lightning capitol of the world -- the other night in the space of an hour or so, there were 35,000 lightning strikes near the Orlando area!



I can imagine the blaze, honor to the brave firefighters!


What an incredible post, a remarkable picture, and the tank, in and of itself stands as a tribute to the firefighters.

Excellent Example of X-manship!

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday Team, Thanks for participating this week. Hope you can join us again next week.


Louis la Vache

It's amazing the firefighters were able to contain the fire to one tank!

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