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Monday, June 07, 2010


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Joanne Olivieri

That is so abstract and just awesome. Love the shot


Cool capture! Very creative and well done!

Magical Mystical Teacher


Mound of Gold

Cai - Weekday Photos

cool photo!
If your interested check out my new photo challenge website, www.weekdayphotos.com.
A new photo challenge evey week, check it out...its abit different from the others.

have a good one!


Oooh, very cool effect! I'll have to try it with my slr. I don't think my iPhone can handle that. Great photo.

hip chick

Wow! That is a wild photo. You have inspired me to try something like that.


Well done, this is a fun technique!


So you know what to wait for in 2011, please get all the fun!

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