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Wednesday, June 09, 2010


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"and U is for (burnt) umber, as there are touches of it in the painting."
I do so enjoy how creative you get with your submissions for these memes!
That fish does not look happy.

Roger Green

Umber - NEVER would have thought of that. Good URBANE choice.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team


Would never fit in my house.


Lovely photo! That looks like it's going to be a great painting.


I love your sense of humour.
Looks like the lady paints from imagination.
And I like this street scene photo very much.
And no, I will not use MDPhoto for advertising my painting attempts, I feel too shy about them.
My problem with painting food - I usually eat it too quickly before arranging the composition:-)))


Great U's. I love that painting - it would make a nifty mural on that urban wall!

Kathleen Kennedy

That's my painting! Thanks for the posting, next time you should ask and I will tell you all the details. You can view more of my work at www.orangetrousers.com

Irina- I paint from life until the very end.

Greensboro Daily Photo


You are right, I should ask. Maybe we should get business cards. This blog is something my husband and I do as a hobby in our spare time. Sometimes when we snap pictures, we don't even know what scenes from Greensboro we will feature.

Looking at your facebook page, I see that you are the artist in residence for Table 16. How wonderful that they have an artist in residence. How wonderful that this painting will have a home there when you are finished. Thank you for seeking us out and posting on Greensboro Daily Photo.



What a fun post for the letter "U"mber. Love the painting by the artist in action.

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